Setup 4-9pm Dinner to welcome back our choirs before the praise and worship in the church.
Setup 5pm-8pm
Set up 6:30-9:30pm Open to all highschoolers
All 5 classes will receive a 20-minute gym class from the St. Michael gym teacher.
Feel free to pop in whenever but to elevate your relationship with Jesus more consistently, consider signing up for a weekly hour. sign up for a weekly hour
Grade School CYO Volleyball practice
Setup 5:30 Den meetings are by grade level. Pack meetings are all grades from K-5.
Setup 5:45pm Open to all high school students
Setup 1-9pm The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio is a statewide grassroots pro-life organization dedicated to promoting the sanctity of life at ALL stages of life, from fertilization […]
Grade School CYO Volleyball practice
Setup 1-9pm The Right to Life Action Coalition of Ohio is a statewide grassroots pro-life organization dedicated to promoting the sanctity of life at ALL stages of life, from fertilization […]
Setup 6-9pm
Grade School CYO Volleyball practice