Altar Cleaners
Clean God’s house – clean and vacuum the sanctuary and refill holy water fonts. Commitment 1 hour per 2 months. Help out by contacting altarcleaners @
Altar Linens Committee
Help wash towels at home and wash and iron purificators for use at Masses. Call the Parish Office at 440-526-1686.
Altar Servers (adult)
Men & women trained to serve weekday Masses and funerals, preparing the sacred vessels and incense. Email adultservers @
For assistance seeking an annulment (Declaration of Invalidity of Marriage), and for help developing a case and submitting it to the Tribunal, email annulments @
Art & Environment Committee
Art and Environment Committee is responsible for decorating the church and gathering area based on the liturgical season. Our goal is to glorify and honor Jesus while also reflecting the beauty of our Catholic faith. To help make our Church beautiful, email art @
Baptism Scheduling & Prep
Baptism is the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments (CCC 1213). It is like birth – indeed, Christ calls it a “new birth” (John 3:5), a birth from above. All parents are required to complete a preparation class in anticipation of the Baptism of their first child. For more details, email baptism @
Cancer Support Ministry
Caring Cooks - Meals in Need
Prepare and deliver meals to homebound parishioners. Contact caringcooks @
Donut Sunday Teams
Several teams of volunteers that rotate throughout the year to provide coffee and donuts once a month after all of the Sunday morning masses. For more information or to be placed on a team, email donuts @
Family Matters Ministry
Family Matters is a vibrant network of families who have a desire to experience Jesus more deeply, spend quality family time together, and perform service to those in need. We enjoy family friendly activities as a means to develop friendships within the parish community. We provide families opportunities to experience Jesus more deeply through the Sacraments, liturgies, and spiritual programming. To see a listing of events, visit the main calendar and filter the Ministry/Organizer by Family Matters.
Finance Council
Advisory body to the Pastor that meets monthly to monitor and maintain the parish’s finances. Contact financecouncil @
Food Pantry
Provides food to our neighbors in the area of E. 93rd and Union Ave. in Cleveland. St. Basil collects food monthly from parishioners. Contact foodpantry @
Homebound Volunteers
Take Holy Communion to parishioners in rehabilitation and assisted living and nursing care facilities. Contact homebound @
Maintenance Dept.
Maintains grounds and facilities of the parish. Contact maintenance @
Marriage Mentors
Married couples who meet with an engaged couple to help them prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage. Contact mentors @
Play 'n' Pray - Moms & Kids
Mom & Tot (preschool) group usually meets on the first Thursday of the month in FLC for a morning of music, stories, crafts, and prayerful support. For precise dates and to get on the mailing list, contact playandpray @
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Women meet weekly to knit shawls and pray for the recipients of the shawls. Shawls are given in times of both sorrow and joy. Contact prayershawls @
Pre-Cana Day
PreCana is a one day retreat for engaged couples to prepare for the Sacrament of Marriage, held in early spring. Attend or join the team! Email precana @
Meets for lunch, program, and friendship and a wide variety of events throughout the year. Contact seniors @
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