Becoming Catholic
Becoming Catholic
If you would like to fully explore the possibility of becoming Catholic, read the FAQ below and then email ocia @ basilthegreat.org.
What is the Catechumenate Program?
The Catechumenate is a program of instruction and experience of Catholicism through which people become Catholic. Sometimes people refer to it as the RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) which is the official ritual book of the Roman Catholic Church for adult baptism. It also contains the rites for those who have already been baptized in another Christian faith to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
Who is a candidate?
A Candidate is an adult who was baptized, and therefore initiated in the Christian faith that is shared with Catholics. It is someone who has made the decision to live that faith within the Catholic tradition, and is preparing to be received into the Catholic Church. When received into the Church, the Candidate is normally Confirmed, and participates in the Eucharist for the first time as a member of the Catholic Church. Baptized Catholics, who were not catechized (not instructed in the faith) and did not receive the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist, are also called Candidates.
Who is a catechumen?
A Catechumen is an adult who has not been baptized and is learning to live the life of the Gospel. When accepted as a Catechumen, a person becomes an unbaptized member of the Catholic Church, while preparing to be initiated in the faith through Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Catechumens are received into the Church at the Easter Vigil each Spring.
Can children become candidates or catechumens?
Any child who is seven years of age or older can become a candidate or a catechumen (according to the same criteria described for adults). However, catechesis for children or teens who become Candidates or Catechumens is determined on the basis of their age and individual needs, and they may or may not participate in all or part of the adult Catechumenate program.
What does participating in the catechumenate entail?
Both Candidates and Catechumens participate in the teaching segment of the program which meets for an hour and a half to learn about and discuss Catholic beliefs and practices. They then attend Liturgy together at the 10:30 am mass. After the homily, when the Liturgy of the Word (the first part of the Mass) ends, they return to share their understanding of the meaning of the Scripture readings for their own lives.
Participants in the Catechumenate learn much from one another as well as from their catechists, sponsors and parish mentors. They share in parish prayer experiences, as well as in service opportunities, all of which helps them to discern whether they wish to make a commitment to the Catholic faith.