Setup 5-9pm Weekly Life Night gathering for 9th-12th graders. No RSVP required. Just come!
Daily mass in Parish Center Meeting Room, Sunday masses in Gym, Confessions Saturday in Family Life Center Meeting Room.
Feel free to pop in whenever but for more consistent graces consider committing to an hour Sign Up for a Weekly Hour
Holy hour with music, Confessions, and Eucharistic Adoration.
Setup 5:45pm Open to all high school students
Start of team formation for 25/26 renewal year.
Daily mass in Parish Center Meeting Room, Sunday masses in Gym, Confessions Saturday in Family Life Center Meeting Room.
Setup 6:00-8:45pm Information about these two organizations serving the needs of vulnerable populations in NE Ohio, including volunteer opportunities for St. Basil parishioners.
Set up 6:30-9:30pm Open to all highschoolers
Daily mass in Parish Center Meeting Room, Sunday masses in Gym, Confessions Saturday in Family Life Center Meeting Room.
All 5 classes will receive a 20-minute gym class from the St. Michael gym teacher.
Feel free to pop in whenever but to elevate your relationship with Jesus more consistently, consider signing up for a weekly hour. sign up for a weekly hour
Setup 8:30am Four-week video series
Rookie Rugby Practice Time on back fields
Setup 5:30 Den meetings are by grade level. Pack meetings are all grades from K-5.
Daily mass in Parish Center Meeting Room, Sunday masses in Gym, Confessions Saturday in Family Life Center Meeting Room.