Setup 9am
Setup 8:30am-noon
Pack Committee will meet to plan future Cub Scout events.
Setup 3-9pm Open to all 9-12th graders--Join us as we play reality show games.
Feel free to pop in whenever but for more consistent graces consider committing to an hour Sign Up for a Weekly Hour
Grade School CYO Volleyball practice
Setup 5:00pm-8:00pm
Setup 5pm-8pm
Grade School CYO Volleyball practice
Setup 5:00pm-8:00pm
Setup 5pm-8pm
Set up 6:30-9:30pm Open to all highschoolers
All 5 classes will receive a 20-minute gym class from the St. Michael gym teacher.
Feel free to pop in whenever but to elevate your relationship with Jesus more consistently, consider signing up for a weekly hour. sign up for a weekly hour
Setup 9am Senior Cook-Out/Pot Luck lunch. Bring a dish to share. Pastoral Staff will be grilling cheeseburgers.
Grade School CYO Volleyball practice
Setup 5:30 Den meetings are by grade level. Pack meetings are all grades from K-5.