Healing Provider’s Roundtable: Bi-Monthly Roundtable Meeting

Healing Providers Roundtable is an informal group of Catholic Christian professionals who are currently providing whole-person (mind, body, spirit) healing services (e.g. Counseling, Mentorship, Therapy, Spiritual Direction, Intercessory Healing, Psychiatry, Nursing/Medical etc.) who come together on a bi-monthly basis for the shared purpose of: 1. Intercessory prayer for each other - this is hard work […]

West Side Catholic Center/Christ Child Society

Setup 6:00-8:45pm Information about these two organizations serving the needs of vulnerable populations in NE Ohio, including volunteer opportunities for St. Basil parishioners.

Eucharistic Adoration

Feel free to pop in whenever but to elevate your relationship with Jesus more consistently, consider signing up for a weekly hour. sign up for a weekly hour