Men’s Ministry Social
Setup 6pm
Setup 6pm
Setup 8:30am-noon
Setup 10-11:45am Monthly meeting for parents of children enrolled in the Family Catechesis Program.
Setup 12:30-5pm PTU hosting trunk or treat for preschool-first graders. Guests will be invited to attend.
Feel free to pop in whenever but for more consistent graces consider committing to an hour Sign Up for a Weekly Hour
Setup 5pm-8pm
Setup 5pm-9pm All middle school children are invited to a fun night of food, games, and teaching with TOBCLE.
Setup 6:30pm
TOB CLE led book study on Eating the Sunrise open to all people in the Diocese of Cleveland.
Setup 5pm-8pm
Setup 6pm-7:45pm Monthly meeting for parents of children enrolled in the Family Catechesis Program.