Children's Faith Formation
Equipping & Inspiring Children in Faith
CFF Registration
Students new to the program (have never been enrolled in any grade at St. Basil) must complete and return a Permanent Record Card. It can be emailed to or mailed into the CFF Office. Registration for new and returning students are made available online in late April/May. Registration is processed on a first-come basis.
In-Person Option
Grades 1-5 meet:
Sunday, 10:15am-11:30am (Grades 1-4 only)
Monday, 6:15pm-7:30pm (Grades 1-5)
Tuesday, 6:15pm-7:30pm (Grades 1-5)
Monday, 6:15pm-7:30pm (Grades 1-5)
Tuesday, 6:15pm-7:30pm (Grades 1-5)
At-Home Option
In our Family Catechesis program, parents are responsible for covering textbook material and discussing topics with their children. Parents participate in FIVE meetings throughout the year for support as they serve as the child’s catechist. Parents meet on a Sunday morning OR a weekday evening for an hour presentation to prepare to teach their child the upcoming unit of study based on the Five Pillars of the Catholic Catechism. Students complete online assessments and a Home Study Journal for each chapter. Families in this option will be informed of special programs and opportunities for involvement in the parish. The Home Study option is a great opportunity for the whole family to grow in their faith.
Summer Option
Grades 4-8 ~ for St. Basil the Great parishioners only.
9:00am-12:00pm daily for 2 weeks in June, plus children who attend summer CFF are required to attend four additional parish activities throughout the year and complete a reflection on each.
Summer Faith Formation dates for 2025 are June 9-20, 2025
First Holy Communion & First Reconciliation
The sacraments are the crown of the Catholic Faith, and the Eucharist is the crown of the sacraments. The God we believe in the Creeds and obey in the Commandments we meet and receive in the sacraments. In the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself (CCC 1324).
The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life because Jesus Christ is truly present — body, blood, soul, and divinity. Jesus Himself told us in the Bible that the Eucharist is His Real Presence.
Vacation Bible School
The theme of this week-long program for Kindergarten – 4th grade children is presented through stories, skits, crafts, and song. Children are reminded of God’s continuous care for them. It is usually scheduled the third full week in July. Pre-teens, teens, and parents volunteer to assist. When it comes time to register, you can do that on the Forms page.
VBS will be July 21-25, 2025